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Why Blogs are Important – JonGeek

Blogs are becoming very popular across the internet.  Whether you are a business or a professional, creating a blog can help you get your name out there.  There are so many benefits to blogs that there is no reason not to have one.  The best part is, that they are easy to set up.  Want to know why you need a blog?  Keep reading to find out.

Search Engine Optimization

A blog helps you to build up your search engine ranking and is one of the best way to add SEO to your website.  Linking your blog to your business website can increase your sales and for personal bloggers, you can use it to build up the presence of your LinkedIn or personal website.  When people view a quality blog, they are more likely to follow a link.

Websites by themselves make it hard to target long-tail keywords.  Such keywords are hard to fit into a normal description of a business.  But when you run a blog you can easily touch on words such as “how to write a cover letter.”

Higher Conversion Rates

While reading your blog, visitors get to learn about you and your brand.  Those who run a blog typically know much higher conversion rates.  This is due to the fact that educated customers are far more likely to buy than someone who doesn’t learn as much about an industry.  People want to feel secure in any purchase they make.

In the professional world, this translates into wanting to hire the person who is writing the blog.  Or even the visitor wanting to work with them.

Customer Service

When someone has a problem with a product or a question, they often head to Google before doing anything else.  To help your customers out you can use your blog to help answer commonly asked questions on Google.  Whether it is about your profession, product, or about other company’s products, you can build up a presence by helping people.

Rank Zero

By building up your SEO and answering commonly searched results, you are working your way towards Rank Zero.  Rank Zero is the Google feature that provides sample results at the top of the results page.  In order to be at the top position though, you need to have quality organic content.  Achieving Rank Zero will allow you to attract more traffic than competitors though.

Humanizing You

Blogging puts a person behind a website.  Most people just see a website when they visit you.  Even if it is a personal website, you are just displaying information on the page.  A blog shows that there is someone behind the website and gives voice to your brand (or personal brand).  Plus, no matter what kind of website you have, a blog can be more personal.  It is meant to connect with your customers and provide information after all.

A blog also gives you and your visitors a place to start discussing things.  Comments allow customers to ask questions, make their concerns known, or sometimes even just a place to make a statement.  This is all valuable as it drives user interaction.  It also brings more people to your website.  Word of mouth references to your blog or website are the most powerful, and when people interact with a company they are more likely to talk about it.

Raising Authority

Looking like a professional business or person is important and running a blog helps to raise your authority in your area of blogging.  On your blog you need to show that you know the industry.  The more that you prove you know about the industry, the more people will respect your blog.  And through respecting your blog, they will respect your website.

Writing a blog is an important part of any website.  Whether you are a business or a professional, you can start noticing benefits quickly.  It is important that you focus on managing the blog and keep it up to date.  Once you have the blog set up, you can’t let work stop.  The more you work on it, the more visitors you can attract.