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5 Tech Must-Haves to Aid in Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is an essential aspect of many companies growth strategies. Considering that, ineffective inbound marketing methods can tank a campaign. This could lead to missed opportunities, wasted costs, and angry managers. It’s understandable to wonder what needs to happen to improve your company’s marketing results. With that in mind, here are five tech must-haves to aid in inbound marketing.

Having a Quality CRM

Quality CRM or customer relationship management is an essential aspect for many businesses. These systems allow businesses to have an easier time managing their relationships with customers. CRM systems can also help many departments within your business perform their jobs exceptionally efficiently.

Investing in Sales Training

If you want to become a better inbound marketer, it’s wise to consider doing a bit of studying. Perhaps there is a new best-selling marketing book you’ve wanted to check out. If so, give yourself some time each day to read and learn about new sales training methods. In turn, you will be able to pass these methods on to sales and marketing departments.

AB Testing Multiple Pages

While showing your website visitors one landing page, you can learn quite a bit about how successful or unsuccessful it is. That being said, it’s wise to consider testing multiple pages for your visitors. Known as AB testing, this method involves creating various versions of your landing pages. These variations can include different images, wording, colors, and much more. In turn, you’ll have analytics that report which pages are performing the best. Additional, you can look for apps to help you receive other kind of analytic information and monitor things such as performance. These can be supported on platforms such as .NET, Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby among others. You can implement these with the various instructions found on the web.

Having Fast Website Load Times

Nothing can hurt the effectiveness of an inbound marketing campaign faster than a slow website. HubSpot reports that 47% of website visitors will only wait two to three seconds for a site to load. If a visitor has to wait too long, it’s likely they’ll soon be visiting one of your competitors.

Paying Attention to User Experience

Paying attention to user experience analytics is essential. This information focuses on how a visitor behaves once they’ve landed on your website. You can use analytics for making necessary changes to improve the overall user experience. In most cases, users want a site to load quickly as well as being optimized for their chosen device.

In conclusion, there are several aids you’ll want to have for effective inbound marketing. Technology has come a long way in recent years. These technological advances can vastly improve the inbound marketing results of your company. And if you need any type of digital marketing help, be sure to check out some of our other articles.
