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How to Avoid Mistakes When Communicating with Customers

Positive customer interactions are one of the most important things you can do to make your business successful. On the other hand, if you make major communication mistakes when talking to your customers it can be very bad for your business. Figuring out how to avoid mistakes and keep interactions positive and productive will help you to make your business into something special that customers are excited to share with everyone they know.

Make Sure Content is Relevant

Some communication is less obvious than others, including the content that is sitting on your website. Your content is there for your customers to read and learn about your company, but if it isn’t relevant to what they need it won’t actually keep them on your website. Creating relevant content will help your business to stand out as a place where people can come for real help with the issues they are trying to resolve. Relevant content doesn’t have to mean overly specific; it just needs to point to content that makes your customers feel like they are getting information they need and can use.


Don’t Annoy Them

Communicating well also depends on your ability to balance frequent communication with your customers’ busy schedules and lives. You don’t want to talk to them in ways or with a frequency that can become annoying to them. Sending emails and texts to your customers is good, but you want to make sure they sign up for it first and that the content is highly relevant. About 60% of customers say they would unsubscribe from messages they didn’t sign up for. That means that the best communication is that which your customers requested, nothing more nothing less.


Don’t Ignore Negative Feedback

It’s natural to only want to talk to customers when things are going well, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for your business. Responding to negative feedback can be a great way to help negative interactions turn into positive experiences. When a customer voices a concern, see if you can find a way to solve the problem. Avoid getting defensive, and especially make sure that you actually listen to what they have to say, as feedback can help you avoid the same problem in the future.


Communicating with your customers is essential, and if you do it right you will be setting your business up for success. It’s all about being helpful, listening, and responding promptly that helps your customers to have a more positive association with your brand after every interaction. Communicating is hard work, but it pays off when you gain loyal customers!

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