With a finite amount of money budgeted for marketing, and an infinite number of eyes available who need your product, matching up your ability to reach those customers is critical. You want your budgeted dollars tSo work hard for your products, though. How can you reach the most customers possible in your marketing campaign?
Identify Your Target Market
You don’t want to just blanket the world with your ad dollars. To be most efficient, you have to be able to carefully find your target demographic. In order to do that, you need to know who your ideal customer is. There’s no reason to market to 80-year-old men who love sports if your target customer group is 40 year old women who prefer writing. Databox recommends that you figure out who your best customers already are! Then, look at the data analytics about both your work and that of your competitor. There’s so much information available.
Choose the Right Channels
It can be confusing to know what the difference is between multichannel and omnichannel strategies in marketing. According to Cataboom, using an omni-channel strategy can help you capture customer attention. Multichannel uses things like brick-and-mortar stores, and social media to market. Omnichannel, however, combines all of the online and brick and mortar options in order to provide a seamless system interacting with the viewer. This can make it easier for your marketing to not be repetitive, but yet continue to engage customers over a plethora of marketing options.
Old School Options
Don’t discount old school options which are available to you! Things like free samples always are a draw into a brick-and-mortar store. Discounts are, too. While older generations might think of flyers as boring, younger generations now see “snail mail” as novel and fun and are more likely to respond to such mailers. One of the most surprising and least modern methods? Signs. Having a changing sign outside of your business with promotions and discounts advertised can get a great deal of traffic turning into your storefront. Things like customer loyalty cards do, indeed, still create loyalty as well.
By learning how to target your marketing towards those who are your best target demographic, you can save a great deal of marketing money in your budget. Your ideal customer of your chosen demographic will respond better to things which are marketed in the channels where they are. Pretty soon, they’ll come to where you want them!
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